
Self Tapping CSK Head Screw


10 x 1″
10 x 1-1/2″
10 x 1-1/4″
10 x 2″
10 x 2-1/2″
10 x 3″
10 x 4″


8 x 1″
8 x 1-1/2″
8 x 1-1/4″
8 x 2″
8 x 2-1/2″
8 x 3″
8 x 3/4″
8 x 5/8″

7 x 1-1/2 ”

6 x 1″
6 x 1-1/2″
6 x 1-1/4″
6 x 2″
6 x 3/4″
6 x 5/8″



High quality STS screws are designed to connect steel to steel / Wood / Aluminium.

The perfect Drive helps to fasten with ease into vaious meterails. Nickle plating helps prevents corrosion.